Tuesday, March 2, 2010


d. Design a civil rights movement poster for Maycomb.\

Hi Readers,
This is my poster, sorry that its abit off size :P.
The black and white shaking hands show peace between them.
Both hands have a watch, and have a sleeve, this actually shows that both races should have equal rights.
The words " You will definitely feel warmth when shaking hands " Means that the white will feel better if they have equal rights and peace with the blacks.

That's all.
Please comment in the tagboard. :D

Task B

a. Do a research on the natural habitat of mockingbird. In your research, include the kind of flora and fauna you think exist in Maycomb and explain why the mockingbirds live in Macomb.[Naturalist]

Mocking birds are group of birds from the Mimidae family. They are known to mimic the voice of insects, other birds and amphibians, often loud and rapid in succession. There are around 17 species of Mockingbirds in 3 Genre.


Mocking birds live in open country with thickets, farmland and desert brush.

They breed from northern California, eastern Nebraska, southern Ontario, and Maritime Canada southward. Mockingbird also spends winters in the southern part of range. They are often found around in residential areas, city parks, farmlands, open country with thickets, and desert brush.

Mockingbirds are very comfortable around people. They now range from parts of southern Canada to southern Mexico. Some mockingbirds, typically those in the west, and in the northern most part of their range in Canada, migrate toward warmer regions south or to the coast. The Mockingbird is the state bird of Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi.

The diet of the mockingbird consists of ants, beetles, grasshoppers, seeds and berries.

During the fall and winter mockingbirds prefer to eat wild fruits consisting of holly, pokeberry, blackberry, sumac and Virginia creeper and defend these areas aggressively. They eat insects all year long but especially during the breeding season.

Both parent mockingbirds are very territorial when they are nesting. They will defend their nests from any animals they think are predators. This includes people. If you get too close to a nest, even in your own yard, they may "dive-bomb" you. Don't worry, they have never been known to hurt anyone, but it is probably very stressful for the bird.

Mockinbird nests are built with sticks, weed stems, grasses, moss, hair, rootlets, dry leaves, and trash.

( Adapted from: http://www.fcps.edu/islandcreekes/ecology/northern_mockingbird.htm)





Sharp-shinned Hawk

Highbush Blueberry

Cabbage White

Red-tailed Hawk

American Holly

Common Black Ground Beetle

Barred Owl


Chinese Mantid

Black Rat Snake

Flowering Dogwood

Cicada Killer


Black Carpenter Ant

Smooth Sumac

Clouded Sulphur

Common Elderberry

Eastern Yellow Jacket

Witch Hazel


Red Maple


Black Willow


Green Hawthorn

Virginia Creeper

Eastern Redcedar

Smooth Sumac

White Cushion Moss

Common Elderberry



Queen Anne's Lace

Differential Grasshopper

English Plantain

Five-lined Skink

Red Clover

Flowering Dogwood

Smooth Crabgrass

American Holly

Wild Grape

Dogwood Borer

Virginia Rose

The table shown above is very important in terms of the Mockingbird’s relationship to nature. It also give us a rough idea where the Mockingbird resides or the characteristics of their Habitat.

I think that Maycomb should be a place full of different plants such as the Red Maple, or Spice bush that aid the Mockingbird in terms of shelter. The flora also includes Sassafras which is a source of food for the birds. The Mockingbirds can survive in many different kinds of habitats as they have a wide variety of food source. Adding on, they are also friendly with humans.

However, they do have a few predators. I infer that Maycomb would rarely have them around for the existence of the predators will only scare the mockingbirds. The mockingbirds also have a loud voice when they mimic other birds, if there are predators around, they would be attracted to the Mockingbirds. Hence, it is essential that the Maycomb has very few or no predators at all. Maycomb must also have a widespread of insects everywhere to feed the mocking birds.

To conclude, Maycomb has a widespread of insects and flora and fauna to shelter and feed the Mockingbird. The place also has very few predators like the Black rat snake, owl or hawk.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Characterization Analysis of Mrs. Dubose

This is our picture of Dubose.
She is depicted as an old
woman who sits on a wheel
chair as described in the story.

However, in our photo, her
face is not as ferocious as the
first half of the story has

This is because we wanted to
show 2 sides of Mrs Dubose to
every one.

Her Courageous side and her
racist side.

Behind her is a wall that reads "Get lost Niggers!"
This shows how she is as her racist.

Now, let us describe how I and Jing Yu created the image.
1. Traced a photo of an old woman in Adobe Flash CS4
2. Painted the woman using Adobe Flash CS4
3. Background : Using gradiant to make the background of the Sky
4. Next, for the grass. Filter>Render green surface.
5. Font: Green Color font used to type the text.
6.Wall : Filter>Texturize. Customized the brown surface to look like a wall.
7. Graffti on Wall, used a special font. Rotated the word " Nigger" Drop shaddow effect, inner shadow, satin etc.
8. Nigger with a cross, drew it with Adobe Photoshop CS4 Paint brush.
9. Sun: Cropped.
10. Clouds: Filter.
11. The names of the sole creators : Lionell and Jing Yu: Special Font.




Below is the link for the image and our PPT, Tableaux. Enjoy!