Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Investiture 2011: Stellaris

Looking back, all the ups and downs in my secondary school journey had been mostly created by council. Having fun with council mates, organising events, attending events, being voted in every year.

However, it had been a stressful year in 2010, but again, through hardship will I grow.

Today's investiture was a recognition of my efforts, and I am proud to wear that gold badge. As I shook Mr Low's hand, he gave me a firm smile and said, 'Good job, I am proud of you.' As ego-boosting that statement might have been, at that moment, I resolute to strive harder, and not to disappoint my mentors.
Sure that gold badge did not come cheap, neither will it last if I slack.

To me, the golden badge is a symbolism of my efforts, and expectation for me to do even better in future. I am grateful for the council experience Hwa Chong has given me, and I will treasure every moment.