Saturday, February 27, 2010


Task A

Hi Readers,

As requested on Mr Siew's wiki, this is the result of my multiple intelligence based on

I had once attended a Multiple Intelligence talk in 2009 by the creator of this, Dr. Branton Shearer.
In his talk he elaborated on the application of the different aspects of intelligence, he even taught
us how to improve it.Here is my reflections from the MI talk by Dr. Shearer.


From the MI profile, I have gained a lot of knowledge. I personally felt that the workshop has raised each and all of the participants’ intrapersonal. The MI portfolio was accurate and had made me realize lots of things about myself. It truly reflected all the strong points or flaws I have. Since I was given the privilege to know of such things, I realized I had to deal with them effectively to be a better person on the whole. To strengthen my strong points and to utilize them and to ‘cover up’ on my flaws, I felt that it was not easy but definitely helpful.

The workshop also covered on ‘leadership’. Dr Branton Shearer himself shared with us a simple, yet interesting experience of his, in which from it he learnt more about leadership. Regarding all the points to be an effective leader that he had mentioned, I totally agreed with it, however, I wondered, had I ever practiced them? Well, that’s a totally different question!

During the midst of the workshop, I recounted the few rare incidents of me showing my leadership potential, I realized that those experiences were something that I wanted and needed to increase such that I might be a great use of the society when I have grown up.

When most of the participants were quite tired after half a day’s sabbaticals and could not focused on his talk, Dr. Shearer was able to think of the most effective solution to solve our problems. He allowed us a 15 minutes tea break for us to take a bite and have a drink so as to refresh ourselves. He also spent some time doing short exercises with us so that we could be more alert. It was definitely effective as it worked well on me.

Dr. Branton Shearer also cleared our doubts with patience, once, I had a burning question but wasn’t able to phrase myself properly, Dr. Branton Shearer then asked me to see him after the workshop so as to clarify my doubt. He answered with patience when I had further doubts and eventually left me with a satisfied answer.The speaker also prepared his handouts well. The handouts were really useful, ranging from methods to utilize our strengths to methods to cover our weakness. I will refer to it to overcome my weaknesses.

To end off, I think the workshop was really good, it taught me about leadership qualities a effective leader should possess and how to be a better person on a whole.

Reflections for New Multiple Intelligence Result

This is my second time doing the Multiple Intelligence Test. I was actually quite keen on knowing how much the statistics has risen this time. To my horror(Exaggerated),other than except visual and musical, almost all aspects of intelligence has decreased! On careful thinking, I realised that I had not been detoriarating, through the span of half a year, I had learnt more about myself. The questions this time, were answered with more accuracy then the first time. Simple speaking, I did not know myself well that time and actually submitted inaccurate options.

In the past, I was always confident about my math, my sports and my intrapersonal. But looking back, I have alot to improve on, really. This time, I will try to improve my intrapersonal and my mathematics by socializing more and doing more math practices.

I can do it.


Hi Readers,

I am Lionell Loh from 2P2 19.

This is the blog for my LA postings.

From To Kill a Mocking Bird Analysis of Mrs Dubose to Speech writing.

Yes, this are assignments to be graded for ACE by my English teacher, Mr. Daniel Siew.

As an introduction, I would also like to talk about my blog title.

" Looking for precise english? Yes, it was here."

It was here before I created this blog. Which means that before that, what you

would have seen is the page stating that the blog is not in use, yea, the text is

written in perfect and precise english. However, now that I have created this blog

along with my postings, present to you is not precise english any longer.

Well, I have acknowledged the fact that my posts are bound to be flawed either

in terms of grammer or misuse of vocab. However, I am not going to be a sitting

duck, this blog will also be an avenue to improve my English. I would not look too

much in to my vocabulary as I would like to take it one step at a time.

My English teachers has always pointed out to me my tendency of commiting

grammer mistakes in Compositions, letter writing or speech writing.

Hence, do point out to me my grammer mistakes you manage to spot for each

post by commenting. I will take note of that. Thanks in advance.

Other than that, I will be introducing a word every post that is of course,

expressive. Not only will this benefit everybody, I will also learn something out of

it. This word will not be one that is commonly sighted too.

So, here comes...

Word of the post :Tranquil


free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm: a tranquil country place.

free from or unaffected by disturbing emotions; unagitated; serene; placid: a tranquil life.

Example: The evil monkey ruined Chris Griffin's life in the "Family Guy".
Example 2: After the snow storm, the wood seems tranquil with the the fresh fallen snow.

Yea, that's all. Thank you for reading and GoodBye!