Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hi Readers,

I am Lionell Loh from 2P2 19.

This is the blog for my LA postings.

From To Kill a Mocking Bird Analysis of Mrs Dubose to Speech writing.

Yes, this are assignments to be graded for ACE by my English teacher, Mr. Daniel Siew.

As an introduction, I would also like to talk about my blog title.

" Looking for precise english? Yes, it was here."

It was here before I created this blog. Which means that before that, what you

would have seen is the page stating that the blog is not in use, yea, the text is

written in perfect and precise english. However, now that I have created this blog

along with my postings, present to you is not precise english any longer.

Well, I have acknowledged the fact that my posts are bound to be flawed either

in terms of grammer or misuse of vocab. However, I am not going to be a sitting

duck, this blog will also be an avenue to improve my English. I would not look too

much in to my vocabulary as I would like to take it one step at a time.

My English teachers has always pointed out to me my tendency of commiting

grammer mistakes in Compositions, letter writing or speech writing.

Hence, do point out to me my grammer mistakes you manage to spot for each

post by commenting. I will take note of that. Thanks in advance.

Other than that, I will be introducing a word every post that is of course,

expressive. Not only will this benefit everybody, I will also learn something out of

it. This word will not be one that is commonly sighted too.

So, here comes...

Word of the post :Tranquil


free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm: a tranquil country place.

free from or unaffected by disturbing emotions; unagitated; serene; placid: a tranquil life.

Example: The evil monkey ruined Chris Griffin's life in the "Family Guy".
Example 2: After the snow storm, the wood seems tranquil with the the fresh fallen snow.

Yea, that's all. Thank you for reading and GoodBye!

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