Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today, I would like to share a few quotes, the most unique and impactful of its kind, reminding man to persevere in times of adversity.

1. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Even if the route ahead is faced with obstacles and challenges, as tough as it might be, match it. You will get going. I choose to believe that the social Hierarchy that any country possesses has been determined and structured by the varied amount of 'toughness' everyone have. Meaning to say, the most successful people are those who are tough and those who overcomes adversity rather than those who give up and whine.

Well, I am not exactly stereotyping, I am aware Tough may not be successful and unsucessful may not be not tough. (By successful, it means your position and level of achievement in terms of your ambition. E.g. If you love computers, Gaming Champion = Successful ) To further illustrate the case of exceptions, I will bring in another Chinese quote.

一分耕耘,一分收获。 Well, that's the model one, but my primary school teacher had an add-on.

有耕耘不代表会有收获, 但无耕耘必定无收获!

I hope that this may motivate some of you out there who had worked hard but yet to see result.
In the case of successful people due to inheritance of assets, well, that is not 收获, it is not your yield, but that of others.

Now for the 2nd quote,
2. A successful man is one who builds a foundation with the bricks other had thrown at him.

An analogy couldn't be used more appropriately.
Take criticism in a light-hearted manner, expressing gratitude when you receive them.
(In the right situations)
In the end, it the one that is able to take in criticism and mocking, improving his character as time passes who is the winner, a successful one.

Thank you.

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